what we value
I don't know about you, but we crave adventure. There's something deep down inside us that calls out to climb, to reach, to explore, to jump, to see what's over that next ridge or around the next corner. Because of that stirring inside us >> We are committed to adventures for our body & soul.
We're convinced some of the best conversations & deepest friendships are fostered on the way >> on the way to a beautiful waterfall or remote canyon >> on the beach at sunset or at the top of a huge jump. So we go. A lot.
And here's the thing . . . those moments of exploration & adventure we have with our friends are just the beginning. In fact, they're really just metaphors for the kind of adventure we seek in the deepest part of us. We're convinced there is a God, that he made us & that he's worth exploring. We think there are big questions that need to be answered & what better way to explore them than with your friends.
So we go. A lot.
Friendship is more than a convenience. It's breath. We were made to be close to one another.
We unashamedly pursue deep, lasting friendships. We're convinced that much of what God wants to do in us he does through significant, sincere relationships. So we spend a lot of time together >> and we try to actually know, love, & serve one another. When we do this, God does something ridiculous. He takes people from all over the planet & knits them together into an outrageously beautiful & surprising story. It's a story that when we look over our shoulder to take it all in, brings us to tears & overwhelms us with gratitude.
Everybody has a plan for getting . . . nobody has a plan for giving. We're not satisfied with that. We think there's a better way. We believe we were meant to give ourselves away >> and not just a little, but a lot. We dream of giving big.
We've seen God use small amounts of generosity to make a big difference in the lives of our friends in Mexico, South Africa, Argentina, China, India, & on our campus here in Prescott. We have to wonder what He would do if we gave more.
We value generosity. It's rare. It's powerful. It's right.
Part of the adventure we crave is boldly asking the really big questions. You know, those questions we've sometimes tucked deep inside of us because we're afraid >> afraid of what our friends might think if we asked >> afraid of what the answers might be.
We think this is the perfect time & place to ask those questions. So we encourage you & your friends to go ahead & jump. Because we believe the story God has for you is sturdy enough to handle the questions & deep enough to provide you with real answers.
We believe in big, meaningful jumps.