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Prescott, AZ 86301



adventure for your soul.

university campus outreach in prescott, arizona



It’s real easy to fall into bad media consumption habits > but that shouldn’t be your story > you were meant for better. Below you’ll find some resources you can binge mostly guilt-free. We hope these will encourage, inspire & challenge you this semester.


did jesus really beat death?

A Skeptic Questions a Christian Scholar

A Physicist Looks at the Evidence

Notable Secular Scholars test the Bible’s Account

Famous Historian Explores Jesus’ alleged Death + Resurrection

Respected Historian + Theologian explains why he Believes


How to Be Rich (3.22.24)

Mexico Prep (2.23 + 3.1.24)

Self Control (2.9.24)

Little White Lies (2.2.24)

Good Sex (1.26.24)

How to beat Regret (1.19.24)

Fall 2023

Awe + Wonder (12.1.23)

Shine (11.10.23)

What We Worship (11.3.23)

Fear Factor (10.27.23)

Lost then Found (10.20.23)

Lonely Places (10.6.23)

Right Sacrifice (9.29.23)

Conviction that Points to Jesus (9.22.23)

Faith that brings Courage (9.15.23)

Worrying about our Value (9.8.23)

Strongest Desires vs Deepest Desires (9.1.23)

fall 2022-spring 2023

A Courageous Response (4.7.23)

A Daring Faith + Career (3.31.23)

Civilian Affairs (3.24.23)

Inviting Jesus Closer (3.17.23)

In Love with the Right Things (3.3.23)

Taking Jesus at His Word (2.24.23)

Love Strong Enough to Lift Others (2.17.23)

Changed Hearts brings Changed Speech (2.3.23)

The Storm of Disappointment (1.27.23)

Soul-Level Endurance (1.20.23)

God with Us (12.2.22)

Joy beyond Circumstance (11.4.22)

Light that leads to Life (10.21.22)

Forgiveness+Reconciliation (10.7.22)

Prejudice+Favoritism (9.30.22)

Sincerity beats Status every time (9.23.22)

Rest for our Souls (9.16.22)

past small group studies


What Matters Most

Falling in Love

Mindset of Jesus

Chasing Likes



Anxiety Antidote

Thoughts that lead to Peace

God’s Affection towards Us

Light it Up!!

Hope Realized

Faith we can Lean On

the Deep Down Right

The Secret to Contentment

How to Run the Race

How to be Hopeful

God’s Way of making us Right

How we Grow

Physics & Hope

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Community Building > know your enemy


Truth over Tribe > Great conversations with informed people exploring how to navigate our current political + cultural landscape.

Theology in the Raw > How theology intersects with the difficult questions + circumstances life brings our way

Undeceptions > Deep dives into faith, history, culture + ethics > skeptical? have some doubts? this ones for you

Rule of Life > Author/Pastor John Mark Comer challenges us about our Spiritual Formation > really, really good stuff

Church of the City New York > Author/Pastor Jon Tyson > just super solid teaching week after week > Kevin’s ‘go-to’ encouragement

This Cultural Moment > 2 Culturally Savvy Pastors Riff on Church History & Pop Culture > smart, interesting, relevant

No Dumb Questions > A Cool Blend of Science, History & Faith

Relevant Magazine > Interviews with Musicians, Authors, Influencers & Conversations about Faith & Culture

The Firn Line > Storytelling, Mountaineering, Interview

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast > Christian Leadership > exploring opportunities to serve & influence right

The Sharp End > Outdoor Safety & Storytelling > adventure, knowledge

Catalyst Podcast > Christian Leadership > collaboration, innovation, encouragement

Dream Big > Bob Goff > encouraging, inspirational

Fight Hustle, End Hurry > 2 Pastors/Authors conspire to slow down, simplify & focus on what’s most important > antidote for anxiety


The Bible Project > A Large Library of concise, understandable, visually pleasing videos explaining the Bible > it’s content, history & theology.

The New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating > Well Crafted, Biblically Based, Easy to Watch teaching on stuff you definitely think & care about.

Love Dates & Heartbreaks > Same ^^^

Talking Points > Excellent conversation on the right place in this Political & Cultural Climate for followers of Jesus to plant their flag.

Veritas Forum > A treasure trove of talks & debates on Faith, Science, Ethics and most things that really matter > scroll down & choose a topic.


Gentle and Lowly, Dane Ortlund

The Deeply Formed Life, Rich Villodas

The Life We’re Looking For, Andy Crouch

Invitation to a Journey, Robert Mulholland Jr.

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, Eugene Peterson

Christ Plays in 10,000 Places, Eugene Peterson

Runs with the Horses, Eugene Peterson

Bullies and Saints, John Dickson

The Air We Breathe, Glen Scrivener

Let There Be Art, Rachel Marie Kang

The Patient Ferment of the Early Church, Alan Kreider

On the Road with St. Augustine, James K.A. Smith

You Are What You Love, James K.A Smith

Prodigal God, Tim Keller

Live No Lies, John Mark Comer

Garden City, John Mark Comer

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer

God Has a Name, John Mark Comer

Bruchko, Bruce Olson

Radical: Taking Back your Faith from the American Dream, David Platt

Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make Your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need, David Platt

Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Everybody Always, Bob Goff

Love Does, Bob Goff

How to Read the Bible for All its Worth, Gordon Fee

The Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert Coleman

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, Donald Miller

Searching for God Knows What, Donald Miller

The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard

The Great Omission, Dallas Willard

The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard

Renovation of the Heart, Dallas Willard

Life Hacking Spiritual Disciplines, Joe Fontenot

Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis

Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis

In the Name of Jesus, Henri Nouwen

Beyond the Cosmos: What Recent Discoveries in Astrophysics Reveal about the Glory and Love of God, Hugh Ross

The Language of God, Francis Collins

Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be; A Breviary of Sin, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Forgotten God, Francis Chan

Letters to the Church, Francis Chan

Multiply, Francis Chan

Not a Fan, Kyle Idleman


The Bible Project > The best all around app we know of for exploring the Bible. It has excellent studies, podcasts, videos & classes.

You Version > The Bible on your phone > tons of reading plans, challenges & groups you can join.

The Bible Memory App > A great way to memorize truth & hide it in your heart.

Enduring Word > A great Bible commentary that helps you dive deep. (phone app & website)

Blue Letter Bible > Another insightful Bible study tool helping give a clearer picture of what you’re reading. (phone app & website)